“What if a tree fell in the forest and no one knew it's biological name? Did it exist?" ― Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder
The other week Connor and I got to make a railing for a bridge in one of the campgrounds. We made the braces out of 2 x 4s and then we felled a little tree for the railing itself. I got to do the tree felling while Connor coached and supervised, I did it all by axe which felt pretty badass. Even though the campground is not in Wilderness we still mostly used traditional tools (mainly the crosscut saw and axe) which is more fun and it's good to practice especially since there are not a ton of blow downs this winter for us to work on. I've learned pretty quick that even little trees are pretty dang heavy. I suggested we drag the entire tree over to our worksite but it became clear that cutting it to size where I felled it was a much better option....don't want to wear yourself out before you've even started the job!